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Free Download Mars Needs Moms (2011)

  • MOVIE page: Mars Needs Moms (2011)
  • Rate: 5.2/10 total 11,500 votes 
  • Genre: Animation | Action | Adventure | Comedy | Family | Sci-Fi
  • Runtime: 88 min
  • Budget: $150,000,000 (estimated)
  • Gross: $21,379,315 (USA) (17 June 2011)
  • Director: Simon Wells
  • Stars: Seth Green, Dan Fogler, Joan Cusack | See full cast and crew
  • Original Music By: John Powell   
  • Soundtrack: Crazy Little Thing Called Love
  • Sound Mix: Dolby Digital | DTS | SDDS | Dolby (Dolby 7.1 Surround Sound)
  • Plot Keyword: Martian | Robot | Boy | Rescue | Surrogate Mother
Writing Credits By:
  • Simon Wells (screenplay) &
  • Wendy Wells (screenplay)
  • Berkeley Breathed (book)

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Mars Needs Moms (2011) Synopsis :

The film follows a boy named Milo. Milo is just beginning summer but his mother gives him chores and tasks like weeding the garden or eating his vegetables. But after Milo tints his sister's face purple, his mother sees no humor in this. She orders him up to his room. After an argument with his mother in which Milo says "I don't see what's so special about mothers!", Milo goes to his room. After falling asleep, Milo does not hear the rumble of the rocket landing outside. After, Martians enter Milo's house and take away his mother. Milo realizes that he has to rescue her. Milo embarks on an adventure to rescue his mother.

The film is based on a children's picture book by Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist Berkeley "Berke" Breathed, author of the comic strip Bloom County........

Plot: A young boy named Milo gains a deeper appreciation for his mom after Martians come to Earth to take her away. Full summary »  »

Story: On Mars, the female babies are nursed by robots while the male babies are dumped in the junkyard under the command of Supervisor. They research Earth and finds that the boy Milo is raised by his Mon with love and discipline. The Martians come to Earth and abduct Mon, to use her brain to instruct the robots about how to raise children. However, Milo slinks into the spaceship and comes to Mars. He meets Gribble, a young man that behaves like a child and together with the hippie Martian Ki and Gribble's friend Wingnut, they try to rescue Mon and bring her back to Earth. But Supervisor will give her best efforts to stop Milo and his friends. Written byClaudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Produced By:

  • Steven J. Boyd known as producer
  • Ryan Chan known as associate producer
  • Jack Rapke known as producer
  • Steve Starkey known as producer
  • Peter M. Tobyansen known as line producer
  • Robert Zemeckis known as producer

FullCast & Crew:
  • Seth Green known as Milo
  • Dan Fogler known as Gribble
  • Joan Cusack known as Mom
  • Elisabeth Harnois known as Ki
  • Mindy Sterling known as Supervisor
  • Kevin Cahoon known as Wingnut
  • Tom Everett Scott known as Dad
  • Jacquie Barnbrook known as Martian
  • Matthew Henerson known as Martian
  • Adam Jennings known as Martian
  • Stephen Kearin known as Martian
  • Amber Gainey Meade known as Martian
  • Aaron Rapke known as Martian
  • Julene Renee-Preciado known as Martian (as Julene Renee)
  • Kirsten Severson known as Martian
  • Matthew Wolf known as Martian
  • Raymond Ochoa known as Martian Hatchling
  • Robert Ochoa known as Martian Hatchling
  • Ryan Ochoa known as Martian Hatchling
  • Meredith Wells known as Martian Hatchling
  • Teagan Wells known as Martian Hatchling
  • Marianne Bennett known as (voice)
  • Seth Robert Dusky known as Milo (voice) (as Seth Dusky)
  • Jo McGinley known as (voice)
  • Dan O'Connor known as (voice) (as Daniel James O'Conner)
  • Gavin Bryson Thompson known as Martian Hatchling
  • Edi Patterson known as (voice)
  • James Pasierbowicz known as Crying Baby Boy (voice)
  • Barbara Kottmeier known as Martian (uncredited)
  • Peleg Rand known as Milo (uncredited)

Production Companies:

  • Walt Disney Pictures (presents)
  • ImageMovers Digital (presents)

MPAA: Rated PG for sci-fi action and peril

Mars Needs Moms (2011) Review by L Byron from United Kingdom
The first few minutes of this i was genuinely quite impressed. I'venever seen such fluid, believable movement in digitally animatedcharacters before, it's got to be at least as good as Avatar in thatdepartment. It's pretty cool people can make such an authentic lookingworld with computers.

The problem is, what kind of world is it?

Mars is a world which badly needs mothers, it turns out. It's afemale-run planet (shouldn't that be Venus then?) where babies simplypop out of the ground in a kind of immaculate test-tube conception. Wedon't see any male martians, they are referred to once in the film thenforgotten about. "The boys are sent below, where they are raised by thehairy tribe guys". There are no fathers. They don't need fathers. Noone needs fathers.

There's a section in the film where family is discussed & the writersgo to some quite tortuous lengths to not mention the words 'man' or'father' anywhere. Keep an eye out for it if you end up watching it.When Milo is asked by a martian what parents are, he replies 'you know,people like my mom, who look after kids like me'.

What kind of message is this for little boys, like the one in thisfilm, & the ones watching this film, who after all must grow up to BEfathers? Here's the message:

You are not needed. A father's role is sperm donor & ATM machine. Themiracle of life is a exclusively female domain.

This is a misandric movie because there are no normal, ordinary men init, only Gribble, a fat, creepy overgrown child (subtext: what littleboys will grow up to be if they don't change their ways & get with thefeminist program) & Milo's unreliable, absent father, on screen forliterally seconds. Milo's future is laid out for us along these tworoads.

The female characters, on the other hand, are kick-ass & cooooool...with Ki, the strong, independent, heroic graffiti artist rebel whorescues Milo & saves the day. There are practically no other speakingroles except for her & the mother, who is wholly good. Flawless, infact. She doesn't have to learn or change or grow, there is no lessonfor her. I guess mothers are the target audience for children's films,after all they're the ones that are going to be choosing which filmstheir children see. So i suppose it makes good business sense to panderto their egos.

Awful belaboured dead-horse beating dialogue aside ("I'm looking for mymom. She washes my clothes. She vacuums the house") this isn't actuallya badly made film, it's just a bit needless & empty, with shinytechnology being used in service of some disturbing & hateful politics.

Mars Needs Moms (2011) Review by j-stewart from Australia
I wasn't going to watch this movie at all because of the terribly lowscore (4) on IMDb. Luckily, my kids talked me into it, and I was verypleasantly surprised indeed.

I am amazed that this movie scored so low. Yes, granted, its nothinggroundbreaking; there are plenty of well-worn formulas applied. But itsfar from unusual in this regard, and the story is full of funsituations and characters.

Visually, its very nice to look at, and I found myself thoroughlyenjoying the time I spent watching it. So did my kids, 8 and 10, whoboth thought it was great! I don't usually review movies here, but Ioften check the ratings before watching films. In this instance, I amamazed at the low rating this film received, and feel itsunrepresentative of the actual quality.

So 7/10 from me, and really at a loss as to how almost 30% of viewerscould have possibly thought 1/10 was a fair rating!

Mars Needs Moms (2011) Review by CSHaviland from United States
The average rating for this movie by professional film critics is about3.0 out of 5 stars. That average is realistic. I would probably give it6.5 out of 10 if I could, but I didn't feel it was as bad as moviesI've given 6 out of 10 stars, so I gave it a 7 out of 10.

The movie uses motion-capture computer animation to apply morerealistic textures and movements to its characters, following movieslike A Christmas Carol (which wasn't as good), Beowulf (which was muchbetter), and The Polar Express (also much better).

Mars Needs Moms features a plot that wasn't demographically targetedcorrectly. It features a boy who needs to rescue his mother fromawkwardly humanoid-looking Martians, but boys that age are working veryhard to separate themselves from needing their mothers. It is a verynatural consequence of a male's life. So while the movie might appealto mothers, I'm not sure it will appeal to boys.

The next problem, which exacerbates the previous one, is its timing.The studio made a big, big mistake trying to release it at the sametime as Battle: Los Angeles, and only a week after Rango. Parentsalready took their kids to Rango the weekend before, and the dadsreally wanted to see Battle: Los Angeles (especially after being sorelydisappointed with the similarly themed Skyline last Fall).

A lot of movies in January through March have been juggled aroundrecently, causing all sorts of problems. Many movies were yanked fromtheir original release dates and moved out later in the year. But MarsNeeds Moms should have been released in early January. It would havefared a lot better. As it is, the movie has been a complete disaster atthe Box Office. I fault Disney for the poor release strategy (they wereonly the distributor, not the actual producer of the movie), and SimonWells for the rest.

There is also the point that a lot of viewers were troubled by theMartians themselves. I think Simon Wells could have had his animatorsdesign them a little more intelligently. They seemed awkward to me --they were humanoid, but slightly differenced to a degree that somepeople found disagreeable: legs too far apart, butts too big, and legslike they were inflated with air. Mr. Wells also made the mistake ofgiving the male Martians dreadlocks-like hair, which has accidentallyincited a lot of racist remarks, although racial nods was not intended.(People really need to stop being oversensitive. Grow some skin,please!)

There is an army of people flaming the movie, however, and the computeranimation is at the core of their argument, which is very curious. Onecritic said, "Mars Needs Moms stands as the potentially finalZemeckis-produced motion-capture effort, and, like The Polar Express,Beowulf, and A Christmas Carol before it, its characters boast the waxycomplexions, unreal movements, and dead eyes of mannequins..." (NickSchager, The Village Voice)

What the...? I'm confused here. What standard is this critic holdingcomputer animated features to? I don't recall any waxy complexions orunreal movements or dead eyes of mannequins in any of these movies, orat least nothing that distracted me from the otherwise nearphoto-realistic computer animation that has only been around a fewyears. While they fall short of the realism of characters inserted intolive action movies such as Peter Jackson's King Kong and Gollum, orGeorge Lucas's Yoda in Star Wars episodes II & III, and certainly notthe characters in Avatar, it didn't strike me as being a requirement inan animated feature to be THAT photo-realistic. Nobody complained aboutShrek's movements being unrealistic or his eyes being dead as amannequins, but clearly Shrek isn't being held to the same animationstandard. What gives?

While I'm not going to defend Mars Needs Moms on every point, I don'tunderstand the beating its taking from reviewers here at IMDb. It's afairly average film from a director who isn't very good to begin with,with plotting that could have been better and could have been worse,and some character design that could have been more intelligent. Butunfortunately there seems to be a subculture out there (probably madeup of mostly teens, and maybe even competing film marketers andcomputer animation folk -- perhaps some Rango promoters attempting tokeep its returns high in the second week) who are throwing one starsaround IMDb with malignant glee. To give 1 out of 10 stars to thismovie is dishonest, and an abuse of having a rating system in the firstplace. There were 404 people who gave A Bug's Life "1 star" forexample, and 3,284 who gave Shrek "1 star." And so forth. Movies needto be rated with some perspective on similar movies.

Mars Needs Moms has some redeeming values. Not nearly as witty asTangled or Shrek, but easier to understand and more enjoyable thanRango, which seemed to bore my two boys (4 and 7) whereas Mars NeedsMoms entertained them. In all fairness, Rango was intended for slightlyolder children than mine, but I'm a pretty old child myself, with a lotmore filmmaking, movie-going, and storytelling experience than theaverage IMDb reviewer, and I didn't find Rango nearly as brilliant asJohnny Depp's ground-worshipers claim.

My advice to you, if you haven't seen Mars Needs Moms, is ask your kidif he or she is interested, and if so, take them. Forget about what youhear about it on IMDb boards, it's likely tainted.

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